Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Just wanted to wish everyone a merry Christmas! I pray for safe travels for everyone this weekend. My family and I are heading out today to my grandparents house and I am looking forward to it. Last year my daughter was only a few months old so I am excited to see her experience Christmas as a 16 month old.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

I had cancer website

A friend guided me to a really cool website called i had cancer
It's like Facebook for cancer fighters, survivors, and supporters. I created an account. I love how you can search around the world for others and you can for example: search by location where it shows a map of survivors near you. You can add people to your circle and start private conversations. I've often wondered if someone is going through the same thing and they are right around the corner lol.

I think this is fantastic and look forward to meeting new people this way.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Moving time!

I am in the process of a virtual move. What does that mean? Well I previously had a yearly subscription with a hosting company, but I am deciding to move to this google platform for a couple of reasons:

1. It's free
2. I like this easy to use plateform. I even installed the app on my phone!
3. I think it makes interaction easier. I'm writing about myself, but ultimately I want to start conversations. What are you going through? How are you doing with you treatment?
The problem I had with my previous site was that I had to approve comments. It was like a conversation on a two way radio which kind of got annoying. On the other side I thought about using the NBTS support forums, but I still felt like you lose that personal one on one communication that we need.

I am in the process of moving my old posts from the old website to this one.
I look forward to sharing life with others going through the very difficult trial of cancer.